by David Rossman ’16

Mike Murphy ’16 has earned the honorable title of artist of the month for December. Similar to last month’s featured artist, Mike’s artist talent shines best through his Emoticon Art. To remind readers of what this art form is, it involves picking three different emojis and creating a story around them. This artistic style is especially creative as it allows the artist to create an entire, unique story based solely on that artist’s imagination and sense of self-expression.

Mike’s featured work critiques the negative mood prominent in modern news. “It seems that everything we hear on the news is just terrible and I think we should report more on the good things”, says Murphy ’16. The artwork was created using a photo transfer mixed with charcoal to create the visual effect. This particular work shows a news reporter reading the prompter with a background image of a man returning a wallet.

“I honestly believe that Mike has found an artistic gift that will help shape his life for years to come.” -Ms. Burrows

Everyone at Ignatius has something that really makes them tick, and Mike has found his especially through art and drawing. This ability to draw and to enjoy art has been a staple of his Ignatius career since the beginning. It is a part of his personality he values immensely, and this talent has grown over the years, from his early drawings and sketches as an underclassman, all the way to the masterpieces he constantly pumps out now as a senior.

Expanding upon her student’s artistic talent, Ms. Burrows said “It brings me joy to see how much talent he has acquired over the past few years. I honestly believe that Mike has found an artistic gift that will help shape his life for years to come. I’m very proud of him and his desire to grow and create great work.”

Mike Murphy has shown himself to be a very expressive artist and has valued the Arts Department and its ability to provide for his gifts over his time here at Saint Ignatius High School.