Mr. Johnson: The Man, The Myth, The Legend

Scott King ’13

Settling down with a buttery bucket of popcorn and after pulling the ‘Stretch and reach’ on his girlfriend, Sean Reynolds ’13 enjoys the sneak preview of the highly-anticipated Hollywood release of The Avengers. Tensions rise between Loki and Captain America in a museum in Germany and a fight breaks out. The brawl between hero and villain is taken outside as chaos overwhelms the plaza. Children are crying, cars are crashing, and people are running in all directions to avoid the flying debris of the brawl. Yet one street vendor in particular, seems unaffected by the flying debris and chaotic mess the fight has caused. He continues selling his beer to passer-bys. Sean leaps out of his seat in excitement when he recognizes this beer vendor and shouts to the audience.

\”Mr. Johnson!?! I know him! I know a Hollywood star!”