In One Ear, Out the Other: In Full Swing

Greetings my loyal followers. I’d like to apologize for this little hiatus, but as you hopefully have figured out, everyday is a struggle. I wake up after much to little sleep (I get about 5 hours a night), snag a bagel or some fruit, and drive to school in a comatose state of consciousness. The daily grind only continues as I go from class to class. Not to say that my teachers aren’t, but I’m a second semester senior and that means senioritis is in full swing. Four years at Ignatius is the best amount of time. I like here, and I’ll be sad to see it in my rear view mirror for the last time as a student. That being said, it’s time to go onto bigger things. The idea of going off to college is an exciting one. Already having been accepted in several of the nations best most amazingly prestigious universities, makes high school seem so yesterday. New people, surrounds, and classes are enough to make me crave getting away from W.25th and Lorain. I guess the melancholy of severing a tie like this is real.

It’s a matter of rugby practice, food, homework, food, Dexter, sleep, and school. Nothing is wrong with this, but there’s something missing. Passion. I mean full blown Puss in Boots/Antonio Banderas passion to what I do. Having Stage 3 senioritis takes away all passion you have for academics and beyond. I’m like a hyperactive 7 year old—I need new things to distract me because I can’t take the same thing. A little spice in my life is necessary. To modify an SNL quote, “I’ve got a fever, and the only cure is more variety in my high school activities.” That doesn’t quite have the same ring as “more cowbell” does it?

One day when I find the cure all for this nation wide epidemic of senioritis I’ll be rich. Until then, let me share with you more about what is up. First, it’s time for March Madness. I won’t spend to much time on the subject as to not infuriate the most knowledgeable John Fanta (read his blog!). I don’t watch that much college basketball until March Madness so I never have very good predictions for my brackets. I tend to follow the standard rule that for the most part, the higher ranked teams tend to win. However, I did include a few upsets including Akron winning one game, Harvard winning one game, and Bucknell winning two. Within my two blogs my final four consists of no team higher than a three seed (Michigan State). I have the aforementioned team winning it all in my second bracket. My first bracket is the one that I have all the money on (25 cents). Here I’ve played it smart and gone with Miami to win. I actually did a bit of research to get this answer and I do think it’s a possibility.

Before I forget, remember to check out my post this weekend where I may or may not remember to break down the formidable Wildcat Rugby Team, write an awesome poem, and make some LOL quality jokes.