Ignatians March for Life in DC

During the weekend of January 25-27, Ignatius students from all four grades traveled to Washington DC to participate in the largest human rights demonstration in the world. The March for Life is an annually occurring event that marks the anniversary of the famous Roe v. Wade court case, during which the Supreme Court legalized abortion. This particular march was special because it marked the 40th anniversary of the court case and was appropriately given the theme “40=55M”, 40 years after the court case and 55 million abortions since its legalization. Based on the principle of the right to life, the march seeks to promote the message of the prolific movement in a peaceful and powerful way.

The whole event started with a mass that was held at St Matthews cathedral. From there, the students traveled to the mall and waited for the march to begin. At 1:30 p.m., the gathering of pro-lifers began their trek down Constitution Avenue. The walk continued for about an hour and a half until the group made it to the Supreme Court building steps on Capitol Hill. Junior Christian Zuber said, “this march represents what I and others beleive, which is that everyone inherently deserves life simply because they’re human.” The March for Life sums up one of the key elements of Catholic teaching: life in all of its stages is valuable.