Rain, rain, go away

Hydro-Cats cook up exciting new project to help conserve rain water


The Hydro cats are currently cooking up an exciting, new project under the tutelage of Mr. Emancipator. They are cultivating what is called the “Rain Barrel Workshop,” in which they intend to sell their rain barrels to various St. Ignatius families. A rain barrel is a large jug that one would attach to his or her gutter system, accumulating the water in the rain barrel as opposed to letting excess water fall onto the ground. A rain barrel is an attractive option; for acquiring rain water for free allows you to save your water bill. The water collected in the barrel is multi-functioned, as it can be used to water a garden, wash your car, etc. However, one must remember that it should not be used for drinking.

Installing a rain barrel is beneficial for the environment. as it reduces the amount of flooding. Four inches of water is enough to overflow our sewer system, so, by using a rain barrel, we can prevent contaminated water from reaching our sewers. If this water reaches our sewers, the possibility exists that it can flow into Lake Erie, thus harming our ecosystem even further. The Hydro Cats hope to install painted rain barrels on the gutter systems of the Main Building, the Jesuit House, and the Arrupe House. In order to get involved with this project, please attend the Rain Barrel Workshop during the springtime. The date is to be announced in the near future by Mr. Emancipator.