Technology use sparks issues among students and teachers

by Kevin Deegan ‘16 and Phil Massouh ‘16

Ignatius’ technology policies have become increasingly ambiguous over the past few years. At the beginning of the 2014 school year, Principal Bradesca made it a requirement to bring a laptop computer or tablet to school. The idea was to promote the usage of technology in the classroom.

However, computer games and other distractions hindered this policy. During our present school year, “Unplugged Wednesdays” have become the new infamous initiative. These days are more a suggestion than an enforced policy. The idea is to have teachers and students shut off their computers for the day and focus more on human interaction.

Also, different teachers enforce technology usage contrastingly. With varying policies all throughout Ignatius, the goal of the administration can be a bit hazy. Because of this, the administration should standardize policies schoolwide.

A standardized technology policy is the best way to make sure that students can get the best out of their education.

A standardized technology policy is the best way to make sure that students can get the best out of their education. In some classes, teachers are oblivious to what students are doing on their laptops. Other teachers just do not allow the usage of technology in their class at all.

The main reason for this is because of the negative thing students do on their computers, whether that be playing computer games, messaging, or cheating on assignments. But these differing policies are flat out annoying. We should be able to use our required computers in every class. The administration made us buy these, and it is not fair for us to only use them in half of our classes.

Another area of contradicting attitudes towards technology has to deal with cell phones.

The administration has switched its position on this issue almost every year. Currently, students are allowed to use cell phones, but not in class or in certain areas of the school. Also, students are not allowed to access the BYOT Wi-Fi on their personal cell phone. With Principal Bradesca’s movement towards a more college-like campus, one would think that students can use their cell phones freely.

The administration needs to make a set decision on its views towards technology in the coming months. A standardized technology policy would bring unity amongst different classes and teachers, but also allow students to use their technology for effective learning.