Prime J.I.M.E: Senior Bash exceeds expectations

by Tommy Gruber ‘14

Once again, the Class of 2014 was at the center of a brilliant plan for fun weekend activities. “The Dance of the Century” some called it. Others said it was the “Shindig of the Decade.” On Sunday, September 15th, Saint Joseph Academy hosted what was more commonly referred to as the “Senior Bash.”

Yes, I am talking about the event from those fliers you saw posted across the Senior Lounge. So what was this “The Bash”, you ask? It was an event held at the convenient time of 2-5 P.M. on a Sunday afternoon in gorgeous West Park, Ohio. People from Saint Joseph Academy, Saint Ignatius, Magnificat, and St. Edward were in attendance. (Thus, the name: J-I-
M-E. Clever, eh?)

“This won’t be an awkward dance!” some defended.

“Who wouldn’t want to spend his precious Sunday afternoon at a run down gym in West Park with his buddies from St. Ed’s?” No one, that’s who.

The event included such heart pounding activities as the board game Life, karaoke, and the ever rare Monopoly. With a monumental crowd of definitely over 27 people, this event caused noise complaints throughout the already siren-ridden town of West Park.

The most amazing thing about “The Bash” though is that no one foresaw such a gigantic crowd coming to this event. The Saint Ignatius senior class sold a record low zero tickets at school.

For reasons that remain mysterious, some people had great confidence and optimism in “The Bash” from the beginning. Senior Vice President Dominic Gideon ‘14 said “I hope we get at least 30 tickets at school. It’s an opportunity to branch out to new friends. Also, there will be a plentiful amount of the opposite gender.”

Other seniors were more circumspect. Gideon’s superior, Senior class President Keegan Holland ‘14, hypothesized that no one would go.

Well, the senior class sure showed him! Despite the bad vibes and jive talkin’ spat by President Holland, “The Bash” was a fantastic success, with attendees numbering literally in the severals.