Expect harsher enforcement for relaxed dress code

by Patrick Millican ‘15

At orientation last week, Principal Bradesca unveiled a brand-new policy affecting students’ choices of dress-code pants and shoes. In his speech, he mentioned that these rule-changes (and those affecting cell phones) are an outgrowth from the lunches he had with students last year.

The amendments to the dress code have lifted the de-facto ban on pants of non-traditional colors (e.g. red, light blue, bright green, purple, etc.); plaid golf pants and the striped pants à la those worn here in the Sixties, however, are still forbidden to be worn.

On the footwear front, boat shoes in black and brown (or some combination thereof) have been legalized after parents questioned the policy and students flouted it. This comes as an especially abrupt change of policy following the crackdown on boat shoes two years ago.

Now that the uniform has been liberalized, students can expect more stringent enforcement of dress-code guidelines. “With a simplified dress code,” said Principal Bradesca, “comes a more united front in terms of enforcement. Teachers will be expected to JUG students that do not conform to the dress code. With the code having been simplified, teachers will have no doubts concerning what is acceptable, and therefore violations will be much easier to detect.” Remember that when you think you can bend the rules to justify wearing camo pajama pants and Dutch clogs to school.

What further changes can we expect to the handbook? Says Principal Bradesca, “I am considering the possibility of requiring cuff links and ascots, but time will tell.”