The Chariot Races are upon us

by Brandon Borges ‘15

The rolling of wheels. The cries of cheer. The deafening but entertaining crash of makeshift chariots being destroyed. Yes, the Chariot Races are coming once again to Saint Ignatius, and this reporter, for one, is overjoyed. If anything can end Languages Week, it should be several teams of two whizzing through the campus on chariots. Excitement, danger, thrills, all can be found on Friday, April 26th during 4th, 5th, and 6th periods. But what actually happens during The Chariot Races?

Well, a team consists of two people, one who rides on the chariot, and one who pulls the chariot. Before a race starts, two teams go to the designated start area after putting on helmets. When the race starts, the pullers race each other while holding on to the chariot at all costs. The teams must stay in their lanes until there is only one lane, where they must merge. The first team to reach the finish line goes onto the next round, while the other team is eliminated. The races continue following this formula until there are only two teams left, where the winner of that final race is rewarded.

After a first round exit last year, this reporter is ready for Friday. This is only one of the many events the Latin department hosts, but this may be the most anticipated one of the year. To put it in the words of Robert Betschman, “Sports! Yeah!”

You can watch the races live from any computer or mobile device with the SIBN live feed at The action will start at 10am. Use the Twitter tag #ChariotRaces to join in on the commentary.

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