LETTER FROM THE EDITOR: Hurricane Sandy calls us to be a little more appreciative of what we have.

I’ll admit it. Having school off in Cleveland because of a hurricane was kind of awesome, if you had power the whole time. For a few of us, Tuesday felt like the longest day of our lives because we didn’t know what to do with ourselves after your internet and cable went out.

If your biggest worry during Hurricane Sandy was where to charge your cell phone, then you were in pretty good shape. Be thankful you didn’t have to think about what you were going to eat that night because your kitchen was flooded. Or where you were going to sleep because your home was destroyed. Sandy may have been inconvenient for a lot of us, but our minor troubles don’t compare to those people on the East Coast who are still struggling after the storm.

We also need to think about those people who live blocks away from our school, who need our help this winter. Some of us experienced what it was like to go without heat for even a few days. Think about those who go the whole winter without heat and a warm bed, much less family and friends to help you get through it.

Take the lessons of Hurricane Sandy and use them to make a difference. Donate blood to the Red Cross. Support one of the many charities helping those in need on the east coast. Or do something local. The Labre ministry needs volunteers to help cook meals and are currently collecting items to help the homeless get through this winter season. Be generous. Visit the Service page of the St. Ignatius website or see your Theology teacher for more information. “